What is Ptosis?

Also known as Blepharoptosis

Ptosis occurs when the muscles that raise the eyelid (levator and superior tarsal muscles) are not strong enough.

It can affect one eye or both eyes More common in the elderly, as muscles in the eyelids may begin to deteriorate.

One can, however, be born with ptosis. Causes of congenital ptosis remain unknown.

Ptosis may be caused by damage/trauma to the muscle which raises the eyelid, damage to the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion or damage to the nerve (3rd cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve), which controls this muscle.

Such damage could be a sign or symptom of an underlying disease such as diabetes mellitus, a brain tumor and diseases which may cause weakness in muscles or nerve damage, such as myasthenia gravis.

A common cause of ptosis is Horner syndrome. Horner syndrome is a form of nerve damage that occurs in the face and eyes, and is usually the result of an underlying condition.

Stroke and other brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and some forms of lung cancer can cause Horner syndrome and ptosis.

Cluster headaches can also cause ptosis in some people. Cluster headaches are severe headaches that strike in a frequent pattern for a period of time (cluster periods) and then go into remission.


Acupuncture Can Help With Ptosis

Acupuncture has been very successful with Ptosis regardless of the cause. The number and frequequency of treatments will depend on the cause and severity of the ptosis, the individuals overall health and lifestyle. 

Treatments are typically set up at 2-3 per week initially and depending on how quickly a person responds to treatment, the frequency of treatments can be decreased. Your acupuncturist is the best one to determine this frequency. 

Begin your recovery from Ptosis and love your face again!  Call us today 603-672-0272.