Stroke Facial Paralysis

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your brain is interrupted or reduced. This deprives your brain of oxygen and nutrients, which can cause your brain cells to die. The severity of the stroke and location in the brain determines what part of the body is affected and how severe the paralyis is.

Facial paralyis due to stroke can be long lasting and may not resolve completely, however, the sooner the treatment, the better the outcome. 


Treatment for Facial Paralysis

Acupuncture as Second Line of Treatment

The FIRST line of treatment for stroke is of course emergency treatment. The best action is to call 911 as the sooner treatment begins in the ambulance and emergency room, the less damage to the brain occurs. EVERY second counts!!

Facial paralysis due to stroke is very similar to the treatment of Bell's Palsy when it comes to acupuncture treatment. The sooner treatment starts, once the acute phase is over, results are noticible within a few weeks, or sometimes days. 

Acupuncture treatment for Facial Paralysis begins with a thorough intake evaluation. Treatments are typically set up at 2-3 per week initially and depending on how quickly a person responds to treatment, the frequency of treatments can be decreased. Your acupuncturist is the best one to determine this frequency. 

Begin your recovery from Facial paralyis from Stroke once you are released from the hospital or rehab. Call us today 603-672-0272.